IDespiseYou.com cards are for those ''special'' someones in your life, like: + • An ex boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse • Someone who cheated on you • An annoying co-worker • A pesky neighbor • A close-minded but vocal individual • Someone who made fun of you • Someone who let you down • Someone who didn't have faith in you • A liar/someone who broke your trust • A lazy or vein family member or friend • Someone who forgot your birthday/didn't come to your important event • A politician who isn't serving the community • A company that didn't value you People find other people despicable because they are crude,rude, tramp on their rights or space or have appalling personal habits, are abusive, overbearing, intrusive, unbearable, disgusting etc. If you know somebody like this-do them a favor by sending them a Despicable You card from www.idespiseyou.com. You an even by t-shirts and other apparel with the card message of your choice. Share your sentiments with that extra not special person(s) you've came to find despicable. Don't tolerate their shannigans, go to www.idespiseyou.com . Send as a joke or a wake-up call or to let off steam... Or even post on Facebook to share with that special someone or comment on a topic!
Despicable You, IDespiseYou.Com is your one stop destination for gag e-cards where you can express in style why you despise someone or a company. Our illustrated e-cards allow you to personalize a message and send it to one or multiple recipients. Use of this site to harass anyone or contact minors is a violation of TOS. Your IP address is recorded.